Abigail, a junior, is an ardent cinephile who enjoys camping, history, literature, water-skiing, classical European art, travelling and a bunch of other dumb stuff. Once she’s done with this whole high school thing, she hopes to become a doctor and move somewhere where you can’t fry an egg on the sidewalk during summer.
Abigail O’Gorman, Staff Writer
August 21, 2011
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STAFFShayla James, Staff Writer
STAFFCasey Hitchcock, Staff Writer/Photographer
STAFFHannah Wren, Staff Writer
STAFFChristina Harris, Staff Writer
STAFFJosh Klein, Staff Writer
STAFFJohn David Goins, News Editor
STAFFMackenzie Phillips, Staff Writer
STAFFShelby Kelley, Staff Writer
STAFFMadison Sewell, Staff Writer
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