The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

68° Texarkana, TX
The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times


Corrections: Corrections will be printed when mistakes are found or brought to the attention of the staff.

Bylines: Original stories will carry bylines, although stories rewritten by someone other than the original author will not receive a byline. Contributing writers will be listed at the end of the story.

Comments: We encourage readers to voice their opinions respectfully in regard to both the readers and writers of the publication. Comments will be pre-moderated and maybe removed if deemed to be in violation of this policy. Comments should remain on topic, concerning the article they are about. Brevity is encouraged. Posting under a pseudonym is not permitted. Comments will be withheld/deleted if:

  • The comment attacks a named or identified person or group unreasonably;
  • The comment makes readers unreasonably uncomfortable on the basis of one’s gender, race, religion, disability, ethnicity, sexual orientation or otherwise;
  • The comment attacks personally any school employee;
  • The comment contains obscenities or sexual explicitness;
  • The comment threatens or encourages violence;
  • The comment encourages illegal behavior;
  • The comment violates copyright or privacy protections;
  • It is determined that the comment is made under a false name or uses another person’s name or email address.

Social Media: Social media will be used to promote published content and to engage readers. Information posted on social media platforms will be held to the same standard as all other reporting.

Deaths: The newspaper will acknowledge the death of a student or faculty member with a news or feature story which contains a picture of the deceased (if available), the date of birth and the date of death, manor of death, if appropriate. The coverage of suicides will just say died; the word suicide will not be used. No religious symbols will be used. The place and time of memorial/funeral services will be included, if available. The newspaper will cover the deaths of current students, staff members, graduates and retired faculty up to three years after graduation or retirement, if appropriate. The yearbook will run a one block memorial ad if the death occurs prior to publication deadlines. The student or faculty member’s photograph, if taken, will run in the class section of yearbook.

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The School Newspaper of Texas High School