Masked murderers

Killers that were never caught


Illustration by Margaret Debenport

Story by Andrea Loredo, staff writer

Many of the people living in the world today are living their day-to-day lives while others become coldblooded killers. Some of these killers have been caught and are either in prison, on death row or dead.

However, there are many killers that did their very best to do the very worst. They have never been caught and are notorious for their evasiveness. Their names are still talked about because nobody knows what happened to them or even who they were. Here are five of the most well-known killers that have never been caught.

Axeman of New Orleans:

This American serial killer was active from May 1918 to October 1919 in New Orleans. This killer murdered people using things that he found in their homes, usually an axe. The attacks were thought to be racially motivated because a number of his victims were Italian. The axeman was also known for a letter that was sent on March 18, 1919 which told people that on this night he would kill again unless their homes were filled with jazz music. He killed six people and injured 12.

Phantom killer:

Five dead and three injured. The Phantom Killer was active from February 1946 to May 1946 in Texarkana, Texas. The main victims of this killer were couples near or at Lovers Lane and once, a couple in their rural farmhouse. The killer would usually shoot and kill each person, except the girls, who he would sexually assault. From the look of things, the killer wanted to prove a point through killing couples considering most of them were teens.

Zodiac Killer:

Five dead, two injured, 20-28 possibly dead, and according to the Zodiac himself, up to 37 victims total. This murderer was active from the late 1960s to the early 1970s in Northern California. This killer was known for the letters he would send to the press, especially for the four that contained ciphers. The letters he sent detailed and claimed responsibility for each murder. The first cipher was believed to say “I like killing,” while the other three were unsolved.

The Doodler:

14 dead and three injured. The Doodler was active form January 1974 to September 1975 in the San Francisco area. This killer would stalk homosexual men at bars, sketch them and then leave with them. These men would later be found stabbed to death, however by the time some of these victims had been found, their bodies had begun to decompose. The Doodler got his name from the sketches of his victims he would draw upon meeting them.

Long Island killer:

10-16 dead. He was an active killer from 1996 to 2010 and possibly in 2013 on the south shore of Long Island, New York. The first group of victims, which consisted of skeletal remains, were discovered in 2010 by a police officer and a K-9 dog in training. After the first group was found, police looked for more clues as to who was killing. It was not until a year later when a new group of victims was discovered. Most of the victims that had been discovered were female escorts that he would find through Craigslist advertisements.