Dodge for a cause

StuCo to host dodgeball tournament benefitting the Dusty Waldrep Scholarship fund


Story by Ali Richter, staff writer

Lace up your tennis shoes, grab your matching sweatsuits and warm up your throwing arm.

Student Council will be hosting a dodgeball tournament on Thursday Dec. 17 after the half day of school in the gym.

Students can sign up in teams of five, and each team will pay $25 total. There will be t-shirts available at the tournament.

The funds raised will be contributed to the Dusty Waldrep Scholarship, which will be awarded to a senior Leadership student at the end of the year.

Contact senior Leadership member Zack Phillips for any additional information or rooms 23 and 52.

“I have been planning out all the rules and how the tournament will be run,” Phillips said. “I’m glad we can give back to the Waldrep’s by contributing the money raised to the scholarship.”