Face of the game- Grayson Jones

He enters the key to  the door to a metal building tucked in the wood line adjacent to the Texarkana Regional airport. Lights flicker and the day has begun. Arrive, collect enough range balls to suffice the work ahead, and begin perfecting the craft of a golf swing built from the age of two. Welcome to the life of Grayson Jones.

Grayson is entering his fourth year of varsity play for the boys Tiger golf team. This his senior year, and he is no longer is worried of making his qualifying score or pleasing coach, but is more attentive to what division one school has offered him this week.

His father who played with PGA legend Fred Couples in college, and is also regarded as one of top 50 swing coaches in the world. The game of golf was influenced early on but on Grayson’s accord.

“When I was 14 months old, my father saw me balancing with one arm and swinging a plastic club with the other,” said Jones. “Since that day forward I have had a club in my hand.”

With success constantly being around Grayson from his dad’s pupils achieving success at the next level, his dreams of college and further started early.

“I have dreamed of playing division one golf for as long as I can remember, and now that dream is becoming reality,” Jones said.

But with this hard work there has come a price to pay. Among his friends and acquaintances, it is no hidden fact that Grayson misses school quite often.

“I think I missed close to 16 days my first 6 weeks of school,” said Jones.

Last year, when the Tigers fell 3 strokes short of a team state championship, Grayson and the team looks to move forward this season.

As the fall season begins to wrap up,the decision he has long waited to make must be made.

“I should be deciding where I want to play college golf at soon,” said Jones. “This is what I’ve been working for my whole life.”

As progress and results finally come face to face with the hard work dealt out over the years by Grayson Jones, it is certain that his confidence does not waiver.

“I don’t want to be the next Tiger Woods, or Jordan Spieth,” said Jones. “I want to be the first Grayson Jones.”