AP environmental science’s annual expo a success

Photo by Rachel Lewis

Junior Rachael Shewmaker presents her business to a student at the Environmental Expo.

Story by Katie Dusek, staff writer

The annual Environmental Expo was held last Thursday, 5:30 p.m. in the Dan Haskins Student Center. The event was orchestrated by Kelly Rowland, the AP Environmental Science (APES) teacher, and her students. Different companies from all around Texarkana came to share how they positively impact the environment.

The students of the APES class are responsible for contacting a vendor and presenting the information to the public; the representative is there for an additional, more professional point-of-view. The students learn a deeper understanding of the everyday steps companies take to help preserve natural resources.

“Looking around, it’s inspiring to see all the local businesses who are here and take such an active interest in our community,” junior Raga Justin said. “We definitely need a lot more people invested in the environment; to see people actually step up and take charge is really nice.”

The students not only get a better understanding of how the companies they go to every day help the environment, but also build future business connections.

“I have several goals with regard to the expos,” Rowland said.  “Not only do I want to build their environmental awareness, but I also want to build their professionalism, public speaking skills and confidence on how to approach people in the business world so they can be more prepared when they go and ask for jobs or scholarships.”

Companies come to the expo in hopes of opening the eyes of the public to the various ways they help the environment. About 200 people showed up this year

“We hope for everyone to understand how Target feels about the environment and what we do locally in order to help,” Target representative, Lisa Sangalli said.

Not only do companies come to open people’s eyes, but some hope to have their eyes opened as well.

“I hope to learn some new ideas as far as ways to protect our environment and energy savings from some of these other companies,” Cooper Tire representative, David Laney said.

Rowland has witnessed many significant things that have come from expos in the past, including one student changing her life path.

“I actually had one student that I paired with a particular company,” Rowland said. “She actually changed her college major because of her affiliation with them, to Environmental Sustainability, and she even has an internship with them lined up for when she gets out of college.”