All trumped up


U.S. President Donald Trump addresses March for Life Participants and Pro-Life Leaders in the Rose Garden of the White House Jan. 19, 2018 in Washington, D.C. (Olivier Douliery/Abaca Press/TNS)

Story by Joseph Rodgers, news editor

The election of President Donald Trump in late 2016 surprised millions of Americans and rocked the world. Through tweets and a long list of accomplishments, the first year of Donald Trump’s presidency has been turbulent yet successful, especially in the economy. Here is a list of Trump’s accomplishments by month.

January 2017:

  • DOW hits 20,000 for the first time in history
  • Trump signs contract with TransCanada, approves the finishing of Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines
  • Trump pulls the United States out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership

February 2017:

  • Trump nominates Neil Gorsuch to Supreme Court, set to fill seat previously held by Antonin Scalia

March 2017:

  • DOW hits 21,000 for the first time in history
  • Trump signs executive order reviving National Space Council, affirms goal to explore the Moon and send a manned mission to Mars

April 2017:

  • Trump orders a U.S. Tomahawk missile strike on Syrian air base reported to have chemical weapons
  • Trump orders a bombing of a terrorist tunnel in Afghanistan using MOAB
  • Neil Gorsuch confirmed as next Supreme Court Justice setting a record for the youngest justice appointed in U.S. history

May 2017

  • Trump demands NATO members ramp up funding to ‘do their part’

June 2017

  • Trump repeals Waters of the U.S. to end controversial government control of small waterways
  • Trump pulls U.S. out of Paris Climate Agreement
  • Trump reverses Cuba travel policy after reports of Cuban human rights abuses and a strange illness affecting U.S. diplomats

July 2017

  • Trump visits Europe and delivers Poland Speech well-praised for defending Western Civilization

August 2017

  • DOW hits 22,000 for first time in history

September 2017

  • Congressional Republicans fail to repeal and replace Obamacare
  • Trump rescinds Obama-era campus sexual assault guidance
  • Trump ends DACA but allows Congress to pass legislation to amend it
  • Trump addresses United Nations over North Korea nuclear threat

October 2017

  • DOW hits 23,000 for first time in history
  • Trump ends Obama-era Clean Power Plan
  • Trump decertifies Iran Nuclear Deal citing Iran’s noncompliance

November 2017

  • DOW hits 24,000 for first time in history
  • Syria fully liberated from ISIS control
  • Unemployment hits lowest level since 2000 at 4.1%

December 2017

  • Congressional Republicans and Trump pass largest tax reform in 30 years, $1.5 trillion cut over a decade, lowered corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%, repeals Obamacare mandate
  • Iraq fully liberated from ISIS control
  • Trump hits record for appointing more federal appeal court judges than any other president during first year in U.S. history
  • Trump Administration touts repeal of net neutrality
  • Trump fulfills campaign promise to move American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in Israel
  • Congressional Republicans and Trump open National Arctic Wildlife Refuge to offshore drilling
  • Trump Travel Ban is upheld by the Supreme Court after several versions were released and subsequently blocked by federal judges
  • Trump cuts U.S. funding to the United Nations in light of General Assembly vote condemning embassy move

January 2018

  • Several corporations invest in U.S., raise wages after sweeping tax reform
  • DOW hits 26,000 for first time in history after hitting 25,000 seven days earlier
  • Illegal immigration hits 45-year low
  • Trump lifts restriction on offshore drilling and fracking