Treasure it or trash it

Students list best and worst of 2021-2022 school year


Sydney Rowe and photo archive

Students strut along the STEM building in their culture’s club and storm the field for the 2018 Texas vs. Arkansas game.

Story by Staff


  • Social media

Several Instagram accounts have united the student body this year. Near the beginning of this year, Instagram user @texashigh.badparking made their first post. The account consists of submitted photos of the students’, and occasionally teachers’, bad parking jobs and captions that make light fun of the parking. The page blew up across the school as students laughed at the hilarious comments, and it became a running joke among the student body. Other famed accounts include those dedicated to posting photos of students sleeping in class or eating in the cafeteria.

  • Coronavirus restrictions lessen

With the end of COVID restrictions, many beloved traditions across the school were welcomed back. Dances like homecoming and prom were reinstated at full capacity, and the traditional pep rallies were back to being held in the gym. Football games being back at full capacity allowed for the Friday night family fun, and with the separation requirements lifted in the cafeteria, friends no longer had to shout across the table at each other. 

  • School break changes

The school’s introduction of five-day weekends brought relief and excitement to many of the students. Though some schools like PG had an extra break, Winter Break, Texas High didn’t get the same break. However, with the three-day and occasional five-day weekends, Texas High more than made up for the week that we had to stay in school. 

  • Multicultural day

As one of the spirit days, the school celebrated students of different cultures by encouraging them to dress in their cultures’ attire with a subsequent fashion show. This allowed students to express themselves and show their heritage. It also allowed students to learn about other cultures. Many students dressed up, and participating students had the chance to win prizes. This was a great, new idea for the school, and it involved students in a unique and meaningful way.


Least Favorite

  • Animal infestations

During this school year, the students and staff were not alone in the school. Rats and raccoons have made an appearance across campus. Numerous teachers have reported rats running around in classrooms and in the ceiling, many of which have made an appearance for the whole class to see. Raccoons, similar to rats, get into food and make messes, and teachers have noticed cabinets mysteriously opened when returning back to their classrooms. While the critters were entertaining in some ways, knowing that they’re always waiting for the opportunity to raid our classrooms is a bit unsettling.

  • Bathroom rules

Bathrooms are a necessity for everyone, so it was a travesty when they became significantly less accessible throughout the year. While the reasons for the loss were understandable, it caused a lot of issues within the student body. Many students felt that their freedoms were breached, and the loss of using the restroom was a mistake on the administration’s part.

  • Devious licks

Speaking of losing the restrooms — devious licks. TikTok sets many trends every week, but devious licks were one of the most prolific to strike Texas High. Multiple students vandalized the restrooms: taking stall doors, stealing soap dispensers and even toilet seats. Later in the trend’s life cycle, Chromebooks were taken from the chrome carts, angering the administration. Though the devious licks might have been funny, in a sadistic way, they were no help for student freedoms.

  • No Texas vs. Arkansas game

The Texas vs. Arkansas football game being canceled once again this year was a major loss for the student body. It caused an uproar of disappointment and anger throughout the school, especially in the senior class. The traditions revolving around the game, that are a major part of Texas High culture, are no longer the same that they once were. If Arkansas High ever changes its mind, we’re willing to forgive them and take them back.