An important playlist

How certain songs leave an impact on its listeners

Photo by Abby Elliott

Music is considered to be a universal language. Different genres appeal to different people, but whether they realize it or not, most people have a song that’s important to them.

Story by Emma Allen, staff writer

Music is considered to be a universal language. Different genres appeal to different people, but whether they realize it or not, most people have a song that’s important to them. Be it attached to a person they love or a feeling of joy, a crooning voice or the beat of a drum can hold infinite sentimental value. 

“Geek U.S.A.” by The Smashing Pumpkins

“It lets me be angry at a time when I just wanted to be lazy and depressed. It energized me,” sophomore James Dotson said.

“Put Me Back Together” by Weezer

“It was a song that my partner showed me very early in our relationship. I listened to it a lot at the time, and even though I don’t very much anymore, it still makes me emotional when I see it because I knew that over two years ago, before we were even together, he was listening to it and thinking about me,” junior Phoebe Neff said. “Plus, after being together for two years, it has additional importance in the fact that it makes me think about all we’ve been through together since he first showed it to me.” 

“A Fool’s Expedition” by The Garden

“It was something I listened to when I was feeling like I couldn’t change anything in my life, and I felt like I just all-around sucked. It helped me to push through and change for the better,” junior Dane Bullock said.

“Rules of Beautiful” by Jacob Whitesides

“It’s important to me because I’ve been bullied for my specific body features for a while, and I’ve built up a wall over the years. When my best friend introduced me to that song, [it] helped me realize that what those people said didn’t matter, that I don’t need to cover every inch of my body with clothing,” junior Madison Freeman said. “Thanks to him, I’ve started wearing shorts, I’ve gotten more comfortable with the hair and acne on my arms, and I’ve even started loving the fat on my stomach and on my thighs. I’ve started wearing dresses and skirts [too].”

“Over the Rainbow” by Jordan Smith

“That was the song for the varsity winter guard show my first year ever doing color guard. It was a really awesome experience and I got so close [to the guard], and I found out that I really love guard, so I’ve been in it since then,” senior Jalena McDermott said.

“It was the first song I did for color guard for the winter season, and that season has led me to keep doing guard,” senior Connor Corbett said. “It’s led me down a path to where I’m also doing [Drum Corps International] with guard. I’m doing guard in college, [and I’m] hopefully going to teach it alongside music education.”