Drawdown for the goal

Lady’s soccer held fundraiser for traveling expenses throughout the season

Photo by Jasmine Stark

Soccer held a fundraiser to help pay for traveling expenses throughout this season. Tickets were sold for $100 each.

Story by Raelyn Albert, staff writer

The Lady Tigers soccer team organized a drawdown fundraiser and banquet on Nov. 6.

“We have two traveling tournaments, so the money will be used to help cover the expenses of our hotels and our food,” said coach Hillary Fowler-Cloud. “Obviously we play in the colder months so [the money] will help get us gear for the cold games.”

This year’s fundraiser was a first for many sophomores on the team.

“This was my first year going,” sophomore Megan Dineen said. “It was a lot more fun than I expected and was it very eventful.”

Big Jake’s BBQ catered for the event and the girls brought chips, desserts and drinks.

“The food was delicious and seeing how parents were helping out was great,” parent Melissa Myers said.

The coaches encouraged the girls to sell at least two tickets for $100 each.

“I think the girls did a great job of getting out in the community, selling tickets,” Fowler-Cloud said. “It’s fun to see the parents just step up and be involved and be so willing to help.”

During the drawdown, team members drew a ball from a plastic bingo cage and the announcer called out the coordinates written on the ball.

“We have a plastic bingo mixer that we use to draw out the numbers,” sophomore Chloe Pate said. “We keep drawing them out until four [are left].”

The four winners were Julia Albert, John May, Mike Jones and Julie Borowitz.

“The four ticket holders have a choice to split the $4,000 prize money and each get $1,000,” said Pate. “[Otherwise], they could keep going down to the final ticket holder and only one person wins $4,000.”